Paranormal team located in Tennessee comprised of scientifically minded individuals pursuing knowledge in the paranormal field, while at the same time, striving to help those with paranormal problems or any other problems that they may have.
We are a non- profit organization in pursuit of extending our knowledge in the field of the paranormal. We offer our services to anyone, free of charge, that may have unexplained things going on in their home or business that could be thought of as something paranormal or as some would say, a haunting. Our objective is to help the client answer questions they may have about unexplained phenomena happening on their property. We will do our best to collect evidence to help in that pursuit by video, audio, etc. we are Paranormal Investigators, we first want to find out if whatever is going on can be explained away by reasonable or natural means, then if things are needing furthur research and investigation we are dedicated in finding out the truth. Usually things can be explained away naturally and not always will it be a paranormal situation or, a haunting.
Do you have ghost problems or anything unexplained going on that you have questions about in your home or business? Just let us know. We can come and do our best to help you get some answers.
We have all wondered what there may be after life. The things each of us believe usually differs one from another. Some believe ghosts do not exist, and yet, there are many that believe they are all around us. Well that's what we want to explore, to find out if and why these spirits are here. Are they staying here for a reason or are they just leaving energy behind? Can they be existing side by side with us, able to exist in the same place or are they existing in a different place that we just don't know anything about? How can some ghosts physically touch us and some ghosts can't? Are they trying to get in touch with us somehow for a specific reason, maybe something they left unfinished? The questions are out there, so we are out to find the answers!
***Our Mission***
To find and document the answers about the paranormal to the questions that we all ask. Our main priority is to make the client feel comfortable with being in the area they are having investigated. To help people in general (living and otherwise) and also to learn more about the paranormal field in the process.
"Always learn as much as possible before going on your Investigation, the more knowledge you have, the stronger your shield will be!" -Nick
Some of the equipment to be used for the investigations are as follows:
1. IR Video camera- A video camera equipped with an infrared light for filming while in complete darkness.
2. E.M.F. (Electromagnetic Frequency) meters- Meters that measure magnetic frequencies spirits are said to give off when in our presence
3. Digital audio recorder- A small audio recording device that can be used to record EVP’s (Electronic Voice Phenomenons) that can or cannot be heard with the naked ear.
4. P- SB7/ SB11 Spirit box- An AM/FM frequency sweep radio that scans in forward and reverse at low or high speeds for spirits to communicate through.
5. IR Digital Thermometer- A digital device used to measure temperature variances in the air (spirits are known to extract energy in the air to manifest themselves which are referred to as “cold spots”)