Cage The Darkness Family
We have many people across the world that needs help and lots of times they have no one to turn to. This is the reason for our CTD Family. We have our CTD Family to be able to help anyone, anywhere, at any time. When there are Paranormal, etc. type cases that need looked into and you think you have nowhere to turn, well now you do! If someone gets in contact with our Founder Nick White, his CTD Team X team members, or our team at CTDPI, and our core team can't get to the location where the help is needed, there would hopefully be a CTD Family team in the area to help no matter what part of the world they are in! If you are the Leader of a Paranormal Investigation team, Cryptozoology Team, Ufology Team, Etc., and would like your team to be part of the CTD Family to join up with us and many more like us that put helping people before anything else, you may register here on our website just enter your information below in the box provided. In your message to us put your team name, type of team you are(field of study), what your team philosophy is, your team website address, the area you are in, skills your team would bring to the CTD Family, and tell us why you want you and your team to be a part of the CTD Family. We will be listing all of the teams in the CTD Family on our webpage soon for everyone to reference with each team in the cities and states they are in, and their contact info if you need assistance. We will let you know as soon as we we can if you have been added to our ranks! Thanks everyone we look forward to hearing from everyone! ‪#CTDX‬ ‪#LeadbyExample‬ ‪#CagetheDarkness‬ ‪#CTDFamily‬‬
Cage the Darkness Family Teams: